Launching Oct. 1st

I know it’s been a while since I posted here. So much has been going on with me in a spiritual sense and I’ve been waiting for it to settle a bit, but it still hasn’t. I just wanted to write a quick post to announce that I will be launching another blog on Oct. 1st. It will be kind of a sex blog with extra content to purchase as well. By ‘sex’ I don’t mean porn. It will be filled with personal stories and teachings based around sexual energy, intimacy, pleasure, healing, and spirituality. I have been using as well as for several months and feel having my own site is the way to go. I will also be launching my Love Coaching site in the Fall. Stay tuned for that, but until then I have a temporary site you can check out which is I do plan to still post here as well, it’s just a lot going on. Love, Moon






  1. Max
    December 29, 2017 / 7:10 pm

    I love your article and now I understand your work and it’ verry essentyal
    Thank you xxx

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